Dmitry Solomchuk: “Why does Ukraine need at least 1 million farmers?”

Small and medium farmers have the opportunity to grow and produce for consumers an exclusive ecologically clean product, which has become more and more popular in recent years. As the experience of retail outlets shows, a mature consumer is no longer tricked by a colorful packaging of large network manufacturers whose products are full of harmful additives.

A significant part of Ukrainians began to take care of their health. That’s why we can see overcrowded fitness clubs, increasing popularity of bicycles and other sports. These Ukrainians are ready to pay more but consume a quality eco-product. This product is not manufactured by large corporations because they are made for mass production and profit. Instead, small farmers can fill this niche.

At the moment, it is extremely important to support the farmer movement among young people so that each consumer can choose products from the producers they like and at an affordable price. As a result, the country will receive another 1 million Ukrainians who will make money in the business. They will analyze the situations at the market and in politics differently. Here’s what needs to be done to make 1 million farmers appear:

  • To implement regional planning of crops and production in rural communities in order to avoid depreciation or shortage of goods;
  • To encourage farmers to unite into small cooperatives that will manufacture the same type of products. The fact is that 5 tons of milk or 100 tons of carrots are much easier to sell than 10 liters and 200 kilograms respectively;
  • To provide loans from state-owned banks with seasonal repayment for the purchase of 25 Hp Ukrainian tractors with trailer equipment;
  • To teach representatives of associations of farmer communities abroad at exhibitions and forums. For example, about how one should “serve” a product or what the packaging should be like;
  • It is necessary to launch social advertisements encouraging people to buy a Ukrainian product.

That’s all! In 2-3 years, we will have great success and a healthy, conscious nation. Give way to farmers!

Dmitry Solomchuk – Head of the “Agro-Center”, chairman of the public organization “Chas-Diy”.

Dmitry Solomchuk, head of the “Agro-Center”, chairman of the public organization “Chas-Diy”.






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