The best doctors: An expert explained how animals help people

A former head of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine Ulyana Suprun said that pets impact human health in a very positive way.

Agro-Center tells more about it. 

Details: According to the head of the Ministry of Health, animals help people cope with stress. Cat and dog owners have a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Comment:Studies show that cat and dog owners have a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Pet therapy is used in hospitals for treatment and rehabilitation of patients who have experienced severe stress“, – said Suprun.

The expert also added that the presence of a pet in the house is beneficial for young children because it provides contact with different bacteria and helps children develop and strong immune system. This is especially true for the first year of a child’s life.

However, she said that we should not forget about the basic rules of hygiene, such as washing our hands.

Source: ChangeUA

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