Belarus imported Ukrainian potatoes for almost half a million dollars

According to experts from the European Commission, a total potato harvest in the EU in 2018 will decrease by 12%, writes Agro-Center.

European agrarians won’t recall this year for good crops. In particular, Germany has lost up to 70% of the harvest due to drought. The most significant decline in potato crops is expected in Germany – 25%. Germany is considered to be the largest producer of potatoes in the EU.

Experts from the Northwestern European Potato Producers Association (NEPG) predict that a decline in potato crops will lead to higher prices.

In January-August of 2018, Ukraine exported 11.09 tons of potatoes. The export value is estimated at $ 1.98 million.

Most of the Ukrainian potatoes were imported by Moldova, Belarus, and Georgia. According to customs statistics, the value of imported potatoes is estimated at $ 1.4 million, $ 497 thousand and $ 53 thousand, respectively.

Meanwhile, the agrarian sector did not receive 5.8 billion hryvnias from the treasury.

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