New Apple Varieties Are Gaining Popularity

Apple lovers’ preferences are changing, and it has a significant impact on market trends. Classic apple varieties such as Gala, Braubern, Golden, Jonagold, and Elstar are being replaced by the new Cosmic Crips, Magic Star and Wellant, etc., writes “Agro-Center” with a reference to “FreshPlaza”.

Experts believe that there is a demand for Golden seedlings only in Morocco and Tunisia. A demand for Braubern is completely exhausted. Jonagold is still planted in Belgium, Poland, and Germany.

“Elstar is a small variety in Belgium. However, it is still popular in Germany and the Netherlands. Gala, by contrast, is the most popular variety in the world. However, I predict that in three to four years, the Gala’s era will end,”

said René Nicola, Belgian apple farm representative.

At the same time, new varieties are gaining popularity: Cosmic Crips, Magic Star, and Wellant. They are followed by the less common Rocket, Smith, Cherish, and GS-66.

According to Florent Herders, the change happened due to last year’s overproduction, which caused the prices to fall. Low prices have led to real competition. Northwestern Europe is a very expensive production site for apple varieties for sale. Growing these varieties is cheaper elsewhere in the world.

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