Cherkasy Tropics: Farmer Grows 50 Varieties of Exotic Plants

Konstantin Oparin’s unusual hobby started with one lemon. Today, the man grows several varieties of lemons, limes, pomelos, tangerines, oranges, figs, coffee, bergamot, acerola, pomegranates, kiwis and many other exotic fruits, writes “Agro-Center” with a reference to the “Vechirni Cherkasy” newspaper.

According to Konstantin, the main difference between home-grown exotic fruits and imported ones is taste. The farmer lets fruits to ripen on their own, which makes them taste sweeter.

“I used to work in one of the security agencies. I wanted to grow a lemon at work. This is how my hobby started. I felt that it was my thing. I poured my soul into caring for plants and got the results I hadn’t even hoped for. The plants are very grateful and repaid me with generous harvests and delicious fruits,”

said Konstantin.

The farmer’s friend and relatives get to eat the fruits grown by him. Konstantin expands the collection of exotic plants through communication with like-minded people at thematic forums and on the Internet. His mother helps to look after the garden. Part of the man’s garden is in Cherkasy. The rest plants grow out of town, near his parents’ house.

Konstantin Oparin shares his secrets and says that care is very important when growing exotic plants. One needs to choose the right soil, water, and fertilizers. The plants need phosphorus and potassium to bear fruit, as well as nitrogen to grow. A plant growing in a pot can provide several kilograms of fruit if one cares for it properly. Konstantin shared his number one rule:

“Don’t overdo it and overfeed a plant.”

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