A new innovative mink farm will be built in the Lviv region

A Danish company “Eikon Development” plans to build the farm. On the new farm mink will be grown according to the highest European standards for breeding animals with fur – “WelFur”, writes “Agro-Center” with a reference to “ZIK”.

The company plans to launch an Animal Keeping Assessment Program, which consists of four principles of proper animal keeping. Animals will be kept in spacious cages, will always have access to fresh water and will be protected from environmental threats.

“Denmark is one of the best countries that researched and grows mink. The governments of other countries consider Denmark an example when it comes to improvement of the legislation on keeping animals. Also, a lot of research on keeping animals with fur comes from this country. Based on research from several universities, as well as those we conducted in Denmark, the European Commission created a program called “WelFur”,

said Paul Bach, CEO of “Eikon Development”.

The district of Brody was chosen for construction as mink breeding is traditional for this area.

“Lviv has a long history of breeding animals with fur. I still remember how in Soviet times, there were big mink farms with large production volumes in the Brody district. According to the data as of January 1 of 2018, almost 250 thousand animals with fun were kept in Ukraine. There are such enterprises in the Lviv region,”

said Lyudmila Goncharenko, Head of the Department of Agricultural Development of Lviv Oblast State Administration.

The new farm plans to create 350 new workplaces. Experts hope that this will help to slow down labor migration.

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