Prices for food in Ukraine continue to grow

The food industry is one of the main aspects of Ukraine’s foreign trade, said Olga Trofimtseva, Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine on European Integration. At the same time, it’s becoming more expensive to eat in Ukraine, writes “Agro-Center”.

During an official opening of the Ukrainian Week of Food Technologies and Industry Exhibitions “Inprodmash & Upakovka’2018”, “Bakery Ukraine’2018” and “Sweets Ukraine’2018”, Olga Trofimtseva, Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine on European Integration, noted that food industry accounts for half of the export of agricultural and industrial complex.

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“The food industry includes over 40 sectors and more than 5,000 enterprises that manufacture a wide range of food products,”

said the deputy minister.

Contrary to the words of the deputy minister, prices for food in Ukraine are not going down. Since the beginning of 2018, prices for Ukraine salo grew by 6.5%, prices for pork – by 4.2%. Against the background of rising prices for salo and meat, prices for vegetables grew as well. In particular, prices for beets grew by 69.3% for potatoes – by 25.8%, for onions – by 12.5%.

In addition, experts predict that by the end of the year, prices for dairy products in Ukraine will rise. Prices for raw milk will increase by at least one hryvnia, and prices for milk products may rise by 10-15%.

“Prices for raw milk grow annually. On September 1st, the price of milk was increased by 60 kopecks. It will grow by one hryvnia by the end of the year. Therefore, unequivocally, producers and processors will be forced to raise prices. Prices for a finished product will grow by 10-15%,”

said analyst Maxim Fasteyev.

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