Yogurts are made according to Israeli technologies on a Ukrainian farm (video)

In the village of Mukhivka of the Nemirovsky district in Vinnitsa region, people created a unique farm where they produce cheeses and yogurts according to Israeli technologies, writes Agro-Center.

Cows of a breed “black gustin” are very productive. They require ideal conditions for life, are afraid of very hot weather and drafts. There is a large ceiling and ventilation in the room cows live in.

All cows are divided into special groups that have a special diet. Each cow has its own name and a passport. All animals don’t have horns because they are removed at birth as it is one of the main reasons of injuries among the animals.

During the milking process, a human does not come into contact with milk. It goes through pipes to a special container. It is cooled, pasteurized, leavened and left for thickening.

In addition, they produce yogurt with inulin on the farm. There are also three types of hard cheeses. One of them is chalumi cheese, originally made from a mixture of goat’s and sheep’s milk. In Vinnitsa, they learned to make it from cow’s milk. This type of cheese has a high melting point, so it can be fried before eating.

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